- The Antichrist is ONE EYED
- He will then give a command to the sky, there will be rainfall upon the Earth. (HAARP)
- He would travel like cloud driven by the wind. (Aircrafts)
- He will play beautiful music which will attract the music lovers. (Music Videos with hidden Satanic symbols & Subliminal messages)
- He will claim prophethood and divinity.
- He will send rain and provision upon those who believe him and drought, starvation and hardship to those who disbelieve.
- He will have with him fire which in reality will be cold water, and cold water will in reality be a blazing fire. (Deception)
- He will perform unusual tricks and skills.
- He will kill a person and revive him, and will attempt to kill this person again and revive him but now his efforts will now be in vain.
- He will be unable to enter Mecca because the Malaikah are guarding the Holy City and Madina because there will be Malaikah guarding each seven entrances.
SIGNS from HADITH(sayings of Prophet Muhammad):
- Many people will worship Satan (seen & unseen, aware & unaware)- The Antichrist is ONE EYED
- He will then give a command to the sky, there will be rainfall upon the Earth. (HAARP)
- He would travel like cloud driven by the wind. (Aircrafts)
- He will play beautiful music which will attract the music lovers. (Music Videos with hidden Satanic symbols & Subliminal messages)
- He will claim prophethood and divinity.
- He will send rain and provision upon those who believe him and drought, starvation and hardship to those who disbelieve.
- He will have with him fire which in reality will be cold water, and cold water will in reality be a blazing fire. (Deception)
- He will perform unusual tricks and skills.
- He will kill a person and revive him, and will attempt to kill this person again and revive him but now his efforts will now be in vain.
- He will be unable to enter Mecca because the Malaikah are guarding the Holy City and Madina because there will be Malaikah guarding each seven entrances.
SIGNS from HADITH(sayings of Prophet Muhammad):
- Falsehood will become a virtue
- Religious knowledge will be taken away, and ignorance will prevail.
- Wine, intoxicants, alcohol will be drunk in great quantities.
- Illegal sexual intercourse will become widespread.
- Barefoot shepherds will compete in building tall buildings. (Skyscrapers)
- The distance on earth will become short. (Aircrafts)
- People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles. (Cars)
- God will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure. (Aids)
- People will begin to believe in the stars and reject the divine will and decree. (Astrology)
- Earthquakes will increase. (HAARP)
- Usury and bribery will become legitimate (Jewish Banking System, World Bank, Federal Reserve)
- Bloodshed will increase. (Georgia Guidestones, Mass Depopulation)
- Blood of innocents would be shed (War on Terror)
- People will indulge in homosexuality and lesbianism
- People will mortgage their faith for worldly gains
- Rain will be acidic or burning
- Singers and musical instruments will become popular
- People will dance late into the night
- Women will be naked in spite of being dressed
- Trustworthiness will be lost, when authority is given to those who do not deserve it.
- Time will pass more quickly.
- People will stop offering the prayers
- Dishonesty will be the way of life
- There will be no shame amongst people
- Imbeciles would rule over the wise
- Pride will be taken on acts of oppression
- Arrogance will increase in the earth
- The rulers will be corrupt
- The scholars will be hypocrites
- Adultery will be rampant
- The liars and treacherous will be respected
- There will be acute famine at the time
- Children would challenge their mothers
- Youngsters would perform marital relationship with their parents
- There would be no respect for elder people
- When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor.
- When a trust becomes a means of making profit.
- Tribulations will prevail.
- The appearance of the Antichrist
- The appearance of Gog and Magog
- Prophet Jesus will descend.
- Prophet Jesus will break the cross (Christianity).
- The Antichrist will be followed by 70,000 Jews from Isfahan(Iran) wearing Persian shawls.
- Prophet Jesus will kill the Antichrist at the gate of Lod.
- The rising of the sun from the west
- The blowing of the Trumpet, souls will faint except by God's will.
- Resurrection & Judgement
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